Equal Opportunities Policy- Recruitment & Employment


Alok Bhatia

1. Introduction

We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all employees and job applicants. This includes access to employment, training, pay and benefits, development and all policies related to terms and conditions regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, physical or mental disability, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity (the "Protected Characteristics").

This policy complements ServePlanet's Prevention of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse Policy, Code of ConductAnti-Slavery Policy and Volunteering Policy.

This policy does not form part of any employee's contract of employment and may therefore be amended at any time. 

2. Principles

The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity also apply to the way in which staff treat visitors, clients, customers, suppliers and former staff members.

2.1 Forms of Discrimination

The following is prohibited:

a. Discrimination

This may be direct or indirect and it may occur intentionally or unintentionally. Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably because of one or more of the protected characteristics set out in the introduction to this policy. For example, rejecting an applicant on the grounds of their race would be direct discrimination.

Indirect discrimination occurs when someone is disadvantaged by a provision, criterion or practice that also puts other people with the same protected characteristic at a particular disadvantage. An example would be a requirement for all employees to be six feet tall because this would disproportionately disadvantage women. Such a requirement would need to be objectively justified.

b. Harassment

Harassment related to any of the protected characteristics is prohibited. Harassment is unwanted conduct that has the purpose or effect of violating somebody's dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them.

c. Victimisation

This is less favourable treatment of someone who has complained or given information about discrimination or harassment, or supported someone else's complaint.

2.2 Recruitment

a. We recruit on an applicant's suitability for the job. The recruitment procedure and job selection criteria are reviewed regularly to ensure that individuals are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities.

b. Job advertisements must avoid using any wording that may discourage groups with a particular protected characteristic from applying. We take steps to ensure that our vacancies are advertised to a diverse pool of potential applicants.

c. ServePlanet is required by law to ensure that all employees are entitled to work in the UK. All prospective employees, regardless of nationality, must be able to produce original documents before employment starts, to satisfy current immigration legislation. The list of acceptable documents is available from the Human Resources team.

d. To ensure that this policy is operating effectively, we monitor applicants' ethnic group, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion and age as part of the recruitment procedure. Provision of this information is voluntary and it will not adversely affect decisions relating to individuals' employment. The information is removed from applications before short-listing, and kept in an anonymised format solely for the purposes stated in this policy.

e. Short-listing of applications will be done by more than one person wherever possible.

f. The same principles as above apply when promoting staff within the organisation.

3. Procedure

3.1 Implementation

a. All employees and other individuals working at ServePlanet must be aware of this policy and ensure that their behaviour is non-discriminatory.

b. Managers are responsible for implementing this policy within their teams.

c. All workers have an obligation not to discriminate, harass or victimise. Disciplinary action will be taken against an employee who is found to be in breach of this policy. Serious breaches will be treated as gross misconduct.

3.2 Equal Opportunities Policy in Practice

If you believe this policy has been breached, you should contact the HR Department or your line manager.

The principles of this policy also apply to the way that ServePlanet treats volunteers and interns, contractors and consultants, Board and Committee members, and partner agencies.

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